Skincare FAQs

Skincare can be confusing...

We're here to help. Check out some of our most asked questions below.

  • Will the oils clog my pores?

    Ayeena oils are natural, light and non-comedogenic which means they will not clog your pores and will act as a nourishing moisturiser to balance your skin's oil production to control the spots.

  • Are the oils suitable for oily skin?

    It may sound counter-productive to use oils on oily skin, however a facial oil won’t exacerbate your problem skin. In fact, even those prone to spots can benefit from a facial oil – you just need to know which one to choose and how to use it.

    When natural or organic oils penetrate the skin and mix with sebum (the natural oil that our skin produces) it can help draw out impurities.

    They contain rosehip oil which is a key ingredient in controlling oil production. We suggest starting with 1 drop and increase to 2 drops after two weeks.

  • When should I use my facial oils?

    Apply the oil at the end of your skincare routine. Cleanse, tone, moisturise, oil (and then SPF in morning).

    Using oils as the last step will seal in the moisture from your preceding skincare and create a protective barrier that prevents water leaving the skin and stops pollutants entering.  

    Let other skincare products fully dry before using your face oil, allowing sufficient time for your other products to dry or sink in before finishing up with your oil.  Passionflower glow is super absorbent so it shouldn't take long!

    Layering products too quickly without giving them time to absorb properly can lead to ‘pilling’. This is when your skincare products form little ‘balls’ on the surface of your skin when you’re rubbing them in.

  • Are the oils suitable for sensitive skin?

    Both oils are suitable for all skin types and packed with vitamins, amino acids and anti-oxidants to nourish without irritating. However, we recommend a patch test first.

  • Do I still need to use sun screen?

    Yes, these oils do not provide full sun protection so do remember to apply sunscreen.

  • What if I've got hyperpigmentation?

    This type of skin needs high levels of Vitamin A, E and oils such as Frankincense and Lavender which will stimulate healthy skin cell turnover and calm inflamed skin.  Our Berry Balance night oil is packed with natural botanical benefits that can help even out skin tone and reduce hyper-pigmentation.