
Chakra stones are healing crystals that have a specific vibration and colour. 

The Sanskrit word ‘Chakra' translates to ‘wheel’ which in meditation and Ayurveda, refers to wheels of energy in our bodies.  There are 7 main Chakras and each is connected to one area of the body and an emotional state.  By balancing these energies, your emotional and physical wellbeing will improve.

As well as being aesthetically-pleasing, the different crystals hold different energetic properties and each is associated with one of the chakras.  Carrying, mediating or sleeping next to these crystals can help build your self-worth and confidence.

To further enhance our well-being principles we are including a free chakra crystal with every order.  We have chosen specific ones that will boost confidence, encourage a positive state of mind and be the best person you can be.  Which one will you receive?

CITRINE is one of the most popular crystals for confidence as it helps to absorb negative energy, raise your self esteem and alleviate anxiety.  This golden-yellow crystal is perfect to carry with you on a big day when you want your confidence to be high.

ROSE QUARTZ is known as the stone of unconditional love.  It helps to provide a sense of self love and worth, both core qualities to develop confidence.  With a beautiful pink colour, Rose quartz activates the heart chakra that allows you to release any tension or stress.

AMAZONITE is a beautiful blue-green crystal which is great to have when you feel your confidence is at an all time low.  Also known as the stone of success, this crystal is excellent at providing optimism and courage.  Use Amazonite while meditating or saying positive affirmations and let the stone help you to magnify and manifest your intentions.

SUNSTONE transforms negative thinking into high levels of enthusiasm and motivation.  This warm orange crystal is an embodiment of the solar and light energy of the sun and its positive vibrations bring warmth and clarity, allowing you to feel empowered even in stressful situations and promote leadership qualities.

CARNELIAN is the stone of courage, motivation and strength.  This reddish-orange stone is useful when you are attending interviews, meetings or other stressful situations as it gives you stamina to overcome obstacles and raise your self-worth. 

When you first get your crystal it is always best to clean and cleanse it to clear any negative energy gathered by the crystal before reaching you.

Wash the crystal in salt water, rinse and let it dry on a natural material like cotton.